August 2016
"Hampson Sisler - действительно прекрасный композитор с своим почерком, богатой палитрой красок, владеющий всеми формами и стилями. а главное - он пишет ту музыку, которая нравится и ему и публике. Что так редко встречается сегодня." Ринат Шакиров.
English translation: "Hampson Sisler is a really great composer with a unique style, a rich palette of colors, speaking all shapes and styles, and most importantly - he writes the music that he and the public likes. That is so rare today."
Rinat Shakirov, President
Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
Honored artist of Russia
Associate Professor of piano
MARCH 2015
Very nice article/review on 4 pages just came out at the prestige London's magazine The Organ which article finished with describing Sisler as "one of the significant composers of contemporary America"
Enjoy raeding the whole article!
Mr. Sisler was the Featured Artist at BVAI FALL 2014 Newsletter
Mr. Sisler was the Featured Artist at BVAI SUMMER 2014 Newsletter
Hampson Sisler was selected to be the artist of the week (April 14-20, 2014) at
Interview with Mr. Sisler (Jan. 31, 2014) at New York Culture Examiner
Mr. Sisler was the Featured Artist at BVAI WINTER Newsletter (Jan.-Feb.2014)
CONCERT REVIEW of the World Premiere of his Oratorio "The Second Coming"
and his latest CD at New York cultural Examiner
'Four Impromptus', "A possible addition to the standard repertoire. It has melodies Howard Hanson would die for. It reminded me of Charles Ives' 'Three Places in New England' and William Schuman's, 'New England Triptych'; 'Rondo Symphonic, Fugue and Epilogue' -- a very cogent organ concerto... Sisler, an organist, knows how to balance his tones does not wear out its welcome; 'The Cosmic Divide' -- a very listenable work; 'Tsunami' -- an impressionistic piece. This man should be much better known than he is."
- Paul Cook, American Record Guide
“Clocking in at nearly one hour, the three part oratorio, The Second Coming, is a musical depiction of both the foreshadowing of Judgment Day (Matthew 24: 1-5) and the Apocalypse (Revelation 6:1-17,6-13, and 16:2-21). The three parts are entitled, Prologue, the Seven Seals, and Bowls of Wrath.
Sisler, having conceived the work in modular fashion, has made it possible for the work to be performed in a number of different ways. The program notes make reference to five possibilities… While he incorporates moments of strife, his rendering is largely a philosophical examination of the causes and effects of events rather than a dramatic rendering of the effects themselves.
The choral writing is simple in form, with large amounts of recitativo throughout… The first section, Prologue, has stylistic similarities to Copeland (especially Lincoln Portrait). Sisler is a composer of skill and craftsmanship, whose music appeals to wide audiences…The composer joined the performers at the end for a well-deserved congratulations.”
- Arseio Orteza, Notable CD's
"Music In the Soul" -- "an extremely sensitive, dramatic, and downright beautiful extended work of great substance and some terrific music".
- Steven Ritter, Audophile Audition
"Celebration Psalm": "It accomplishes with dispatch what many composers would take far longer say"; "Songs Of the Sages" -- "Sisler has combined a vital rhythmic drive with comfortable part writing an original harmonic style that is advanced enough for the musically sophisticated and yet can be appreciated by those who are not".
- Rollin Smith, The Diapason